Dreamweaver Tools for Adobe Kuler

Choosing a color scheme for a website can challenging, especially if your skills are code, not color.  Dreaweaver Tools for Kuler is a great free extension from WebAssist that allows you to easily choose the hottest color palettes for your website.

The Adobe Kuler color scheme tool is a great tool for any developer or designer’s arsenal.  It allows you to see the most recent, most popular or highest ranked color palettes by the Adobe Kuler website users right from within the Dreamweaver application. 

The Dreamweaver Tools for Kuler interface lets you search for a specific color criteria such as a tag, hex value, or palette creator’s title or email address.  If you need a little inspiration, you can have the Kuler application choose a color palette randomly.

WebAssist’s Dreamweaver Tools for Kuler is a free extension that can be download from their website and installed via the Dreamweaver extension manager.  It integrates with all of WebAssist’s other Dreamweaver extensions such as their Super Suite, Web Designer Suite, Web Developer Suite and more.  Anywhere you have a color picker, including code view, design view and even in the external CSS style panel, you can use the Kuler color scheme tool.  The price is right and it is definitely a recommended download if you are a Adobe Dreamweaver user.