I occasionally go searching to see what’s new in the world of web hosting. And it never fails, I come across websites that claim to “review” web hosting services. Here’s a tip for the uninformed, those sites rank web hosting providers by how much they get PAID as an affiliate! So one week, you might… Continue reading My 95% Unbiased Review of HostGator Web Hosting
Author: webrehash
Easy client-side and server-side form validation
When it comes to validating user-input into HTML forms, there are several options. The Validation Toolkit Dreamweaver extension makes both client-side and server-side form validation a snap.
BlueRehash WordPress Theme Released
BlueRehash is the second custom WordPress theme that was completed today. It’s a 3-column theme that is widget ready and is a nice, clean presentation. It features the usual WordPress menu modules, plus a Technorati favorite link, a Stumbleupon link and an RSS feed subscribe link in the default install. Also includes recent comments section… Continue reading BlueRehash WordPress Theme Released
Easily Build a Custom Constant Contact Signup Form
Unless you’ve been under a rock the last couple of years, you know the importance of email marketing and keeping your website visitors up-to-date on your products or services. This wizard-driven FREE tool allows you to easily integrate a custom email mailing list signup from Constant Contact.
Easily Add Skype Buttons to Your Website
Enjoying over 200 million registered users, Skype is easily the most recognized internet communication service. With Skype-to-Skype calls being free, it’s a no-cost way to allow your website visitors to contact you at the click of a button. WebAssist’s free Communication Toolkit for Skype uses a wizard interface to make the Skype website installation way… Continue reading Easily Add Skype Buttons to Your Website
PayPal eCommerce Tookit Review
If you’re trying to easily set up ecommerce functionality on your website but you don’t want a hefty monthly merchant account fee, PayPal is a great option. It allows you to seamlessly integrate credit card and PayPal payments into your current website, without having to worry about sensitive customer information and the complexities of a merchant account. The… Continue reading PayPal eCommerce Tookit Review
Dreamweaver Tools for Adobe Kuler
Choosing a color scheme for a website can challenging, especially if your skills are code, not color. Dreaweaver Tools for Kuler is a great free extension from WebAssist that allows you to easily choose the hottest color palettes for your website.
Under $1 Image Stabilizer For Any Camera
I came across this post on Digg and had to share it here. For anyone who takes photos, you know the problem with blurry shots from an unsteady hand. This video at metacafe.com shows how to build an image stabilizer that truely works with any camera and actually costs LESS than a buck!
Free WordPress Template Download
We’re planning on offering as many free WordPress templates as we can crank out (or as time allows). Here’s our first template titled OrangeRehash. It’s a clean two-column template that is very expandable and easily customizable with your own graphics. It includes quite a bit of functionality be default, but it can easily be stripped down by… Continue reading Free WordPress Template Download
WebAssist Introduces iRite WYSIWYG Text Editor
iRite is WebAssist’s newest Dreamweaver extension and it allows you to easily insert a WYSIWYG text editor into your Dreamweaver web pages. If you’ve ever tried to incorporate a text editor such as TinyMCE or FCKeditor into your website, you’ll appreciate this easy-to-implement extension from WebAssist.